A gorgeous small island, located in the northernmost of the main island of Sumbawa, only 20 minutes off the shore of Nanga Miro - Dompu regency. Uninhabited island with an area of 535 acre, mostly of its area is mountainous, with the highest level at 350 meters from the sea level. The lake of Motitoi with an area of 950 meter in longest diameter, and 450 meter in shortest diameter lies wonderfully in the middle of the island. 

Trekking group
Motitoi lake
You can wander through the forest, and that will be a great activity to have the sweetest sight on the island, to the height of 150 meters from the sea level, where you can gaze down on the tranquil blue water of Motitoi lake, and feel the fresh air that gently touch you. Some wishing stones are hung on the tree's twig, it is firstly hanged by a couple from Germany that wished a baby in their live. since that time, in the year of 1991, the couple come back to the island and asked some locals from some villages at the slope of Mount Tambora to accompany them to the island, a goat was an offering as an embodiment to thanks to God as they got what they have wished. 

Snorkeling Time
In other side, amazing underwater panorama is an appealing things to be explored, you don't need to swim or floating to far off the shore, as it is just nearby the beaches.


Pulau kecil nan cantik ini berada di sebelah Timur Laut Kota Sumbawa Besar, Kabupaten Sumbawa, atau sebelah Timur Pulau Moyo. Pulau Dangar dikelilingi gugusan pasir putih yang bersih, dan sebagian besar daratannya berupa savanna. Disebalah Utara pulau kecil ini adalah Snorkeling Spot yang cukup bagus. 

Pemandangan indah Gunung Tambora serta sisi Utara Pulau Sumbawa bisa dilihat jelas dari pulau ini, termasuk keindahan spektakuler saat Matahari Terbit dan Matahari terbenam. Pulau Dangar kecil termasuk pulau yang berada dalam kawasan Teluk Saleh, pulau ini biasanya menjadi tempat peristirahatan para nelayan yang pulang dari lautan lepas. Ditengah pulau ini terdapat sebuah Mushala yang dibangun oleh para nelayan sebagai tempat beribadah. 


Desa Mantar adalah sebuah desa terisolasi yang berada di puncak Gunung Mantar yang memiliki ketinggian 650 Meter dari permukaan laut, desa ini memiliki sejarah yang unik, serta terdapat beberapa peninggalan sejarah berupa benda-benda antik . selain terkenal karena keunikan tradisi dan sejarahnya, desa ini juga terkenal dengan keunikan budaya dan keindahan alamnya. Hampir disetiap sisi anda akan bisa menyaksikan pemandangan alam yang indah dengan latar belakang yang berbeda, seperti saat Matahari terbit dan Matahari tenggelam. Untuk menuju ke desa Mantar dibutuhkan kesabaran, karena anda akan melewati rute yang berkelok dan tanjakan yang terjal, ada 2 jalur yang bisa ditempuh, yaitu melewati desa Tapir dan desa Klanir Kecamatan Seteluk, Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Jika anda mengambil rute dari desa Tapir maka hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 35 menit. Dan jika anda mengambil rute dari desa Klanir maka akan membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 50 menit. Rute manapun yang anda ambil, anda akan melewati pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan. Dan kendaraan yang menuju ke desa ini adalah kendaraan tipe 4WD.
Keunikan lain yang bisa anda dapatkan di desa ini adalah kisah tentang 7 orang albino, bukan hanya kisah..tetapi anda juga langsung bisa melihat buktinya, yaitu 7 orang Albino dari berbagai usia. Masyarakat desa Mantar meyakini bahwa jumlah Albino didesa mereka akan selalu berjumlah 7 orang, tidak kurang dan tidak lebih. Kisah ini berawal dari sebuah perjanjian antara orang Jerman dan orang Jawa saat kapal yang mereka tumpangi terbalik dan terdampar di sebelah Barat Laut gunung Mantar, tempat tersebut kemudian dinamakan BANGKA BELA, atau Kapal yang terpecah. Kisah selengkapnya tentang 7 orang Albino tersebut bisa anda dengar langsung dari para tokoh masyarakat Mantar saat anda berkunjung kesini. 

2 buah guci kembar yang berasal dari China adalah keunikan lain yang bisa anda lihat, guci tersebut adalah guci dari zaman China Kuno. Hingga saat ini Guci tersebut terkenal dengan berbagai macam cerita yang sarat dengan hal-hal yang berbau mistis. Karena keunikan dan ketenaran Guci tersebut, dan tercium nya beberapa upaya jahat dari berbagai pihak untuk mengambilnya, maka masyarakat desa Mantar melindungi Guci kuno tersebut didalam sebuah bangunan kecil berukuran 1x1 meter didepan halaman depan Mesjid Mantar.
Untuk melihat keindahan alam desa Mantar, anda bisa melakukan round trip dengan mengelilingi desa sambil berjalan kaki atau berkuda. Saat terbaik untuk mendapatkan pemandangan yang spektakuler adalah sore hari sebelum Matahari tenggelam dan pagi hari sebelum Matahari terbit.
Dari sisi sebelah Barat gunung Mantar anda bisa melihat keindahan pemandangan alam dengan Latar belakang pulau Lombok dan selat Alas, gunung Rinjani dan pulau-pulau kecil yang indah seperti pulau Belang, Pulau Kenawa, Pulau Mano, Pulau Kalong, Pulau Panjang dan pulau Paseran. Dan disisi sebelah Timur saat Matahari terbit anda bisa melihat sebuah pemandangan yang luar biasa indahnya, karena saat itu anda akan merasa seperti berada disebuah negeri diawan. CONTACT US



DAY 1 :  
Jemput di airport Sumbawa Transfer ke hotel (Samawa Transit Hotel). Lunch dan Dinner (pax Account).

Setelah sarapan pagi berangkat dari hotel menuju pelabuhan Sumbawa selanjutnya menuju pulau Moyo, perjalanan selama 1, 5 jam. Snorkeling di Bukit karang Labu aji. (Lunch Box). Setelah Lunch, Soft Trek ke Air terjun Mata Jitu, atau bisa juga dengan menggunakan Motor. Perjalanan dengan menggunakan motor selama 30 menit, dan Soft trek selama 1 jam. Menikmati keindahan Sungai dan kolam alami di Air terjun Mata Jitu. Selanjutnya menuju bagian Timur Pulau Moyo untuk snorkeling dan Swimming. Sore hari kembali ke hotel. Dinner di hotel (pax Account) ALTERNATIVE : LUNYUK BEACH

Sarapan pagi di hotel, One Dat Tour ke Sarkofagus Aik Renung dan Liang petang, untuk melihat keindahan Gua liang Petang dan peninggalan pra sejarah zaman Megalitikum di Aik Renung, desa Batu Tering, Kec, Moyo Hulu, Kab. Sumbawa. Perjalanan dari desa batu tering akan menggunakan motor karena medan yang berbatu dan menanjak. (Lunch Box). Sore hari sebelum kembali ke Hotel, mengunjungi keindahan Bendungan Batu Bulan dan kampung pandai besi tradisional Sumbawa, pusat pembuatan pedang dsb, sore hari kembali ke Hotel. Dinner di Hotel (pax Account)

Sarapan pagi di hotel, One Day Tour ke Gili Bedil, Kec. Utan, Snorkeling, dan Swimming, (Lunch di Labu Pade Kec. Utan. Sore hari kembali ke hotel. Dinner di hotel (pax Account)

Setelah sarapan Check out dari hotel menuju bandara Brang Biji ( 12.00), kembali ke Lombok International Airport.

-Boat ke Pulau Moyo
-Lokal Guide di Pulau Moyo
-Entrance fee ke Air Terjun Mata Jitu
-Motor rent ke Air Terjun Mata Jitu
-Lunch Box di hari 2, 3 dan 4
-Guide dan Driver fee
-Snorkeling gear

-Tiket pesawat dari/ke Lombok, dan pengeluaran bersifat pribadi lainnya.

Untuk diving dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp. 700.000/orang (2x Dive)


Kenawa Island

Depart from Senggigi after breakfast time in the hotel, to the port of Kayangan (East Lombok), for 2 hours and then use the ferry to the island of Sumbawa, using the ferry trip takes 1.5 hours. until then arrive at Poto Tano harbor in Sumbawa. From Poto Tano Harbor to Kenawa island using a boat for 15 minutes and then snorkeling and swimming. (Lunch Boxes on the island) from the island of Kenawa you also can enjoy the sunset and views of mountain Rinjani. mid-afternoon the journey continues to the District Alas, check-in hotel .. (Dinner at Alas).

After breakfast check-out from hotel to Kalabeso Agro areas where there are a thousand stairs to see the beautiful natural scenery around, after enjoying the natural scenery in the area Kalabeso continue to travel in Sumbawa Besar, the journey takes 2 hours. during the journey you will enjoy views of the sea and the distinctive character of agriculture and community life in Sumbawa. (Lunch at Sumbawa Besar), Check - In the hotel, afternoon visit the historical sites Bala Kuning (The Yellow House), The Dalam Loka (Old Palace), and Hall Wisma Praja Dutch heritage. back to the hotel. (Dinner at Sumbawa Besar).

After breakfast, next trip to visit the scenic areas of South Semongkat in Sumbawa, where you will enjoy the natural atmosphere of the mountains with crystal clear rivers that flow around it, in this area also you can swim in a natural bathing pool. mid-morning return to the big Sumbawa (Lunch on Sumbawa), after lunch, back to Senggigi Lombok.


3 Nights / 4 Days 
Option 1 
Day 1 : 
Pick up Brang Biji Airport Sumbawa at 14.00pm, tip process to Sumbawa Besar Port, Boarding on boat On 14.30pm Heading to Moyo Island in 1,5 hours. Check – In to Amanwana Resort. Afternoon time your option is “The Sunset time, Canoeing, or Snorkeling. NOTE: SUNSET TIME PRICE IS : IDR. 500.000++/pax

Day 2 :
After breakfast Soft trekking to Mata Jitu Waterfall, option 1. Speed Boat to Labu Aji Village then Land Cruise by Jeep. 2. By Speed boat to labu Aji Village and Trek. Enjoying the Wonderful view and the Stunning place of Mata Jitu Waterfal, Swim in the natural pool of green River, 4 Natural pools will be in option. Afternoon time back to hotel

Day 3 : 
Breakfast in hotel, Explore the Lonely beautiful beaches on Moyo island, snorkeling at Ai Manis Beach or Sand Cape are options on day 3. Late Afternoon BBQ on beach.

Day 4 :
Breakfast in hotel’s restaurant, and back to Sumbawa Besar to catch the flight to Lombok International Airport at 14.00pm.

-Jungle Tent in Amanwana Resort
-Private boat to Amanwana Resort
-Transportation -Mata Jitu Waterfall Trek
-Sunset Time

-Lunch and Dinner
-Other Personal Expenditure
-Flight Tickets

3 Nights / 4 Days 
Option 3 

Day 1 : 
Pick up Brang Biji Airport Sumbawa at 14.00pm, trip process to North Sumbawa Besar Check In to Samawa Seaside Cottages. Afternoon Free Time. Evening Time, BBQ on the Beach of Ai Loang while witnessing the stunning view of Moyo island

Day 2 : 
After breakfast Moyo Island Adventure, Snorkeling at Coral Hill, mid day Soft trekking to Mata Jitu Waterfall, with Bike and minutes soft trekking. Enjoying the Wonderful view and the Stunning place of Mata Jitu Waterfal, Swim in the natural pool of green River, 4 Natural pool will be in option. Afternoon time back to hotel while enjoying the Sunset Time on Boat

Day 3 : 
After breakfast Exploring the Lonely Beach of Moyo Island, Snorkeling and Swimming, late afternoon back to Brang Sedo. Dinner in traditional style at local house in Brang Sedo.

Day 4 : 
Breakfast in hotel , and back to Sumbawa Besar to catch the flight to Lombok International Airport at 14.00pm.

-Luxurious room at Samawa Seaside Cottage
-Private boat to Moyo Island -Transportation
-Mata Jitu Waterfall Trek
-Bike to Mata Jitu Waterfall
-Entrance fee
-Local Guide
-Snorkeling Gear
-All trip during Program

-Dinner on day 2 and 3
-Other Personal Expenditure
-Alcoholic Beverages
-Flight Tickets


Day 1 
Our guide will pick you up at hotel lobby at 06.00 AM then transfer to Senaru.601m) early in the morning, meet your guide and arrange national park entry tickets. staff briefing explains the route details, local cultural traditions and what you might see, and lists rubbish management and safety procedures. The first hours of the trek climb steeply through thick tropical forests rice in flora, bird life and a variety of butterflies. You might see orchid and, if lucky, the rare black ebony leaf monkey, known locally as Lutung. Rest stops are taken along the way, and at Pos 2 Montong satas shelter (1,500m). Village stories and local legends are related by your guide. Features include the banyan tree Bunut Ngengkang that looks like someone standing with their legs apart, and the Batu Penyesalan stone. Depending on your preference and weather conditions, the night’s camp is made either in the forest at pos 3 Mondokon Lolak (2,000m) after about five hours climb from Senaru, or continue the ascent for another couple of hours through grassy meadows to Plawangan 1 Senaru crater rim at 2,641m from the crater rim are sweeping views across the lake Segara Anak (2,000m) to the summit of Mt. Rinjani. On a clear evening the Gili isles, Bali and Mt. Agung can be seen to the west. Camp - Dinner - Overnight.

Day 2
After breakfast, down to the lake Segara Anak (2,000 m) within the Rinjani crater. The trek route in this point is steep and rocky. Your guide and porters will assist and give you extra attention. Mt. Baru (2,351m) is an island in the lake and an active volcano, last erupting dramatically in 1994. Going down the ridge passing numerous Edelweiss plants Bunga Abadi to the crater rim camp for a well-deserved lunch. It takes two to three hours down the steep trail to the crater lake and day 2’s camp. The rest of the day is spent relaxing, swimming in the lake and exploring the caves and pilgrimage hot springs, believed to have healing powers.

Day 3 
Leave the lake and climb for three hours up to Plawangan Sembalun. Lunch served on the way. Rest and prepare yourself for an early morning three-hours hard climb to the summit (3,726 m). Dinner - Camp (Stay overnight) at Plawangan Sembalun.

Day 4 
Leave the lake and climb for three hours up to Plawangan Sembalun. Lunch served on the way. Rest and prepare yourself for an early morning three-hours hard climb to the summit (3,726 m). Dinner - Camp (Stay overnight) at Plawangan Sembalun.

Day 5 
After a well prepared breakfast, with the gentle ascent walking amidst the pine-like Casuarinas species locally known as Cemara, perhaps seeing evidence of wild pigs and the long-tailed grey macaque monkeys. Resting at Pos 3 Pada Balong (1,800 m), enjoy a lunch break here. We reach Pos 2 Tengengean (1,500 m) to enjoy the beautiful views of Mt. Rinjani summit (3,726 m). Gentle walk continue through open grassland used as cattle grazing by local people to the Resting shelter at Pos 1 Pemantauan (1,300). The trek ends at Rinjani Information Center at the road head in Sembalun Lawang, where the car is waiting to transfer you to the airport or Senggigi.


Our mission is to provide you with the most comprehensive and complete planning and travel service, We have several packages to accommodate almost any need or you can let us create a custom travel package. You may wish to contact us to find out more best Solution about this and other Packages. DAY I : C/I to Puri Saron Hotel Senggigi Lombok. DAY II : LAND CRUISE on Lombok Island. DAY III : Leave Lombok Heading to West Sumbawa, visiting the Wonderful small island of KENAWA, (Snorkeling, Swimming), Late afternoon C/I to Yoyo Hotel. DAY IV : Enjoying the Wonderful White Sandy Beach of Yoyo, before then heading to another Wonderful island of Bedil for Snorkeling and Swimming. Late Afternoon C/I to Samawa Transit Hotel. DAY V : Heading to Moyo Island, Snorkeling at Labu Aji Reef, Soft Trekking to Mata Jitu Waterfall, and on the way back Enjoying the nice colorful corals at Tanjung Pasir. DAY VI : Heading back to Lombok island by early Morning, C/I to Lombok International Airport before late Afternoon. See also our Facebook link !!
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LSOtour(Visit Sumbawa)
LSO (Lombok Sumbawa Overland) is a Trip advisory, that will assist you to arrange your trip and adventure during your holidays.
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