Oleh :Hening / Jakarta
Jakarta Post, Monday, March 30, 2009
Ms. Hening had Commented on a letter titled "Why doesn`t RI invest in tourism ?. (The Jakarta Post, March 24, p.20) and comments posted by a number of leaders.
Hening :
They are great letter, great comments! I so agree. Every time I return and talk about Indonesia I say: No country is more underrated than Indonesia. No country needs tourism more than Indonesia.
Radicalism breeds poverty: Even the most fundamentalist
village stars to rethink once tourism pays for their children`s education. there are so many unused paradise-like beaches, diving spots and cultural jewels in Indonesia. Having a marketing and advertisement background, I recommend:
First, get the World Bank/IFC/KFW/ADB or any other development bank to sponsor an extensive survey: Identify which three regions offer the quickest and best tourism potential and how to start the process.
Second, place a five-years US$20-30 million media campaign with one of the best European advertising agencies (in the league of Saatchi/Ogilvy/Springer/RCSG/Burnett/Public), funded by a development bank.
Third, negotiate exclusive support by 2-3 large airlines to create direct link from Singapore to chosen locations and use the airline`s public relation for advertising.
Fourth, hire a top International advertisement expert.
Fifth, circumvent all ministries and government departments and create a very small fast-tract government agency just for these three tourism project.
Six, use wind/hydro/solar/biomass and biowaste energy for sustainable tourism and advertise it as green tourism.
Seventh, create special zone like Langkawi and Batam.
Eighth, once the above start working, you can invite investor to join.
Ninth, replicates the best model to other regions.
Indonesia will have a great future. It could happen within anything from 5 to 50 years. The only to do it: Introduce a fast-tract agency with special powers
and the change will happen within five years.
The same applies for renewable energy.
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